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  • When Chat GPT launched in November 2022, it gained 100 million users in just four weeks. That unleashed a flurry of excitement among some who could see the potential and imagined just how useful it could be.

  • Not only can you teach an old dog new tricks, you can teach it to play blues guitar, says JW Jones.

  • The death of a spouse is monumental. Shock, harrowing sadness, sometimes a surge of positivity that seems to come from nowhere: the grieving process is deep and varied, in part universal, in part individual.

  • As the years pass, we can all expect to lose a step or two mentally — and, when it’s expected, we take it in stride as long as the decline feels mild and normal.

  • Search looks for exact, case-insensitive keywords; keywords shorter than a minimum length are ignored.
  • Use upper-case OR to get more results. Example: cat OR dog (content contains either "cat" or "dog").
  • You can use upper-case AND to require all words, but this is the same as the default behavior. Example: cat AND dog (same as cat dog, content must contain both "cat" and "dog").
  • Use quotes to search for a phrase. Example: "the cat eats mice".
  • You can precede keywords by - to exclude them; you must still have at least one "positive" keyword. Example: cat -dog (content must contain cat and cannot contain dog).